AXIS Wake and Be Bottle have joined forces to bring more access to safe water to those in the developing world. Now with every purchase of a new AXIS Wake boat, you will be gifted a sleek Be Bottle, and with every bottle both AXIS Wake and Be Bottle will donate to to ensure long-term access to safe drinking water.
Through our mutual contributions to, every Be Bottle that AXIS Wake sends to its customers represents 2 years of access to safe water in the developing world. We have partnered with so that every purchased bottle represents a year of access to safe water in the developing world backed by Be Bottle and another year matched from AXIS Wake's donation. is “an international nonprofit organization that has positively transformed millions of lives around the world through access to safe water and sanitation.” They have been providing families with the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and improve health for over 25 years.
Right now, plastic is overrunning our waters, landfills, and where we enjoy boating. 2 million tons of discarded plastic water bottles are overflowing US landfills, 15 billion pounds of plastic are produced yet only 1 billion pounds are recycled every year, and 50 billion plastic water bottles are used per year in the US. Our joint mission is to decrease the mass abuse of plastic bottles by providing a better alternative. This partnership is bigger than a bottle. Together with Be Bottle, we are going to do our part to change this.
AXIS Wake is asking that you do your part while you’re out enjoying the lake, take only reusable water bottles. Let’s lower the amount of discarded plastic water bottles together.